The uniting purpose of the Juneau Homeless Coalition is to move beyond agency borders and work together to address and end homelessness. Individually, we each work on only one part of the puzzle: together, we work comprehensively to address the whole. When we come together, we take our agency hats off at the door, meaning we consider priorities for the community first. We share expertise from our own agency perspective, but we place our collective strength behind solutions and actions that we know are the most needed, regardless of the agency that benefits. We work to collaborate, consolidate, and communicate toward the goal of ending the hopelessness of homelessness in Juneau.
In practice, this philosophy allows us to demonstrate unparalleled collaboration to funders, maximizing dollars to the community; to consolidate resources and leverage scarce funding across multiple agencies; to communicate more between agencies,
allowing us to better serve our client base; to coordinate public education and outreach efforts far more than we co do on our own; and to coordinate our advocacy efforts to address homelessness in the sphere of public policy, accomplishing more than we would do as fragmented advocates without coalition support.