Working Together to Address and End Homelessness
The Juneau Coalition on Housing and Homelessness (formerly the Juneau Homeless Coalition, JHC) is a partnership of local agencies and non governmental organizations who serve Juneau’s most vulnerable residents — the homeless and those most affected by limited and high cost housing. These organizations participate in the Continuum of Care by providing emergency, transitional and supportive services to clients and are working together to develop housing solutions.
The JCHH’s Three Branches of Effort
Research & Planning
- Gaps analysis – identify consensus priorities
- track shifting trends, short and long-term
- collect data on homeless population to use for grant applications
- share experiences
- the venue for discovering collaboration
Education & Outreach
- Media initiatives
- Education materials (calendars, brochures, etc)
- Public events – poetry reading and speak out in 2006, gallery exhibit in 2007
- Appearance at public forums – the Homeownership Fair, Housing Summit, etc
- Strengthening connections with businesses and others outside our network
- Local: affordable housing for low-income families, panhandling, etc
- State: funding for related programs, new laws and ordinances that affect our target populations, the Alaska Housing Trust Fund
- National: national programs that channel funds to Alaska, such as McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The JCHH is organized and run by a group of dedicated individuals representing agencies whose mission is to serve those in need in our community. The Coalition is chaired by Hazel Lecount and Roy Anderson, and consists of members who invest hours of time and tireless efforts with the goal to eliminate homelessness in Juneau.